How many times have you searched for "lesbian porn" and gotten pages and pages of sites made for men, featuring video after video of straight slutty looking women with long hair, and long nails and fake boobs, who can barely stand to kiss each other, tolerating some sexual act together? Emphasis on the "ACT". Yes, it's porn, they're acting...but does it have to be so unnatural and forced and hard to watch? Well, I never have! I hate porn, it demeans women and it's just wrong! Just kidding.
Child porn, snuff movies, etc. Yes, that is totally wrong and those scumbags should be incarcerated! But porn made by adults, who are being paid, and do it willingly, for adults, is fine by me. Boy, I like commas.
I did finally find some actual lesbian porn made by women for women and it's actually very well done. It is actual couples willingly making love in front of the camera. It's more concerned with showing how into each other they are than getting the best camera angle for a close-up. The name of the site is It is a site that includes videos, photos, various fetishes, and reviews, also some erotica, if you can tear yourself away from the images long enough to read. I hope, if you are interested in this kind of thing, you will venture over there and take a look. If you do, let me know what you think.
Certain Magician, your post is so true. There is so little porn out there actually made for women. I went to Cyber-Dyke and LOVED it. Thanks for the site.
anonymous, I am so happy to have provided such a valuable service. I feel if I help even one lesbian find good porn, I've lived my life well! ;)
Not that I would ever watch porn, but if I did...that would be the porn I'd want to watch. I checked it out purely in the interest of information gathering...ehh...good one.
red mojo, Did your visit leave you feeling "informed"?
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