A little background: My kid sister is six feet of long legs, long foofy hair, eye shadow, and fake boobs.
We are...not alike!
On father's day, my mom, one of her friends, Lisa, who's known us for years, my sister, and I were all sitting in the kitchen drinking margaritas and chatting. Lisa is driving the conversation by asking my sister (affectionately known to me, as La-la) and me a bunch of random questions about our childhoods. Then comes the stunner: "So, was one of you a tom-boy?"
My sister and I exchange quick glances that say, "Are you daft woman? How much have you had to drink?"
La-la responds: "I'd put my money on the one that cut off all her hair, and wears a sports bra."
Laughter ensues from all of "us", but Lisa still looks a little unclear. La-la throws in: "The one that works with power tools for a living...?"
****************************Time passes*******************************
Yesterday while visiting the fam, La-la asks me: "Did you go to see Melissa Etheridge last night?"
Me: "No, Where was she playing?"
La-la: "The city you live in (actually said the name of the city), I thought you'd be there for sure!"
Me: "Ya know, Melissa Etheridge doesn't just mail out tickets to all the lesbians who live in the zip code when she tours. You have to know about the concert, and buy the tickets!"
Mom: "Bwaahaahahaha"
La-la: "She could get a mailing list from the people that sell sports bras if she wanted to do it!"